API Reference

While dropafile is not designed as a library, you might want to use single components for building bigger and better webservices. For instance you can use the dropafile.DropAFileApplication as WSGI app in other environments.

dropafile - Drop a file on a webpage.

dropafile.ALLOWED_PWD_CHARS = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz'

Chars allowed in passwords. We allow plain ASCII chars and numbers, with some entitites removed, that can be easily mixed up: letter l and number one, for instance.

class dropafile.DropAFileApplication(password=None, upload_dir=None)[source]

Drop-A-File application.

A werkzeug based WSGI application providing a basic-auth protected web interface for file uploads.

password is required to access the application’s service. If none is provided, we generate one for you.

upload_dir is the directory, where we store files uploaded by users. If none is given we create a temporary directory on start-up. Please note: the directory is not removed on shutdown.


Send 401 requesting basic auth from client.

Send back 401 response to client. Contains some HTML to display an ‘Unauhorized’ page. Should make browsers ask users for username and password.


Check basic auth against local password.

We accept any username, but only the one password. Returns True in case of success, False otherwise.

request must contain basic-auth authorization headers (as set by browsers) to succeed.


Look for an upload file in request.

If one is found, it is saved to self.upload_dir.

password = None

the password we require (no username neccessary)

upload_dir = None

a path where we store files uploaded by users.

dropafile.create_ssl_cert(path=None, bits=4096, days=2, cn='localhost', country='US', state='', location='')[source]

Create an SSL RSA cert and key in directory path.

Returns a tuple (certificate_path, key_path).

A directory, where certificate and key can be stored. If none is given, we create a temporary one.

Default attribute values of the certificate are read from a package-local SSL configuration file openssl.conf.

Some attribute values can be overridden:

number of bits of the key.
number of days of validity of the generated certificate.
Common Name. Put the domain under which the app will be served in here.
state and location
will be empty by default.

Excute the command cmd_list.

Returns stdout and stderr output.


Get a password generated from ALLOWED_PWD_CHARS.

The password entropy should be >= 128 bits. We use SystemRandom(), which should provide enough randomness to work properly.

dropafile.get_ssl_context(cert_path=None, key_path=None)[source]

Get an SSL context to serve HTTP.

If cert_path or key_path are None, we create some. Then we add some modifiers (avail. with Python >= 2.7.9) to disable unsafe ciphers etc.

The returned SSL context can be used with Werkzeug run_simple.

dropafile.get_store_path(directory, filename)[source]

Get a path where we can safely store a file.

The file should be stored in directory under name filename. If filename already exists in directory, we construct new names by appending ‘-<NUM>’ to the original filename, where <NUM> is a number counting up.


Handle commandline options.

Expects the arguments passed to dropafile as a list of arguments. args is expected to represent sys.argv[1:], i.e. the arguments when called, without the programme name.

Returns parsed options as provided by argparse.


Run a werkzeug server, serving a DropAFileApplication.

Called when running dropafile from commandline. Serves a DropAFileApplication instance until aborted.

Options argv are taken from commandline if not specified.

Generates a password and temporary SSL certificate/key on startup unless otherwise requested in options/args.